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匹配条件: “Arshad Abd. Samad” ,找到相关结果约4613条。
Effects of Task Reasoning Demand and Task Condition on Learner Written Output in ESL Classrooms
Lilliati Ismail,Arshad Abd. Samad,Bee Eng Wong,Nooreen Noordin
International Journal of Education , 2012, DOI: 10.5296/ije.v4i4.2249
Abstract: Considering the growing interest in task-based language teaching, classroom-based research that investigates the effects of task complexity on L2 development is needed. Despite the inclusion of task reasoning demand (TRD) as a dimension of task complexity in Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis (2007), there is insufficient classroom-based research that investigates the language learning outcomes that may occur as a result of engaging in tasks of differing reasoning demands in a variety of task conditions. This study aims to fill in some of the gap by identifying the main and interaction effects of task reasoning demand and individual versus dyadic task conditions (TC) on the grammatical accuracy and syntactic complexity of learner written output. Modified versions of the dictogloss task and the opinion-gap task were used to provide a relatively high reasoning demand task (+TRD) and a relatively low reasoning demand task (-TRD) to the learners respectively. A repeated-measures design was used with 76 participants consisting of 18 year-old learners in a public secondary school randomly assigned into four groups. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and repeated-measures ANOVAs. Results indicated that both TRD and TC had significant main effects on grammatical accuracy. Also, TRD and TC had significant main and interaction effects on syntactic complexity. The results point to differential effects of using tasks of high and low reasoning demand in dyadic and individual task conditions. The results have pedagogical implications on task design and task selection to elicit higher rates of grammatical accuracy and syntactic complexity in learner written output.
Teachers’ Experiential Reflections on Iranian and Malaysian Students’ Collaborative Orientations
Seyed Yasin Yazdi Amirkhiz,Kamariah Abu Bakar,Arshad Abd. Samad,Roselan Baki
Asian Social Science , 2012, DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n1p271
Abstract: This paper is part of a larger study which was concerned with the comparison and description of Iranian and Malaysian students’ classroom behaviors in general and their collaborative tendencies in particular. In this paper the core findings of interviews with five teachers who had the experience of teaching both in the contexts of Iran and Malaysia are reported. They all shared the view that the collectivist orientation is tangibly stronger among Malaysian participants than among their Iranian counterparts. The findings are discussed with regard to the macro-cultural dichotomy of world cultures (collectivist/ individualist). The possible pedagogical implications of the study are touched upon as well.
The Potential Role of Osmotic Pressure to Exogenous Application of Phytohormones on Crop Plants Grown under Different Osmotic Stress  [PDF]
Hamdia M. Abd El-Samad
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2016.76089
Abstract: The osmotic pressure represented as a sign of plant tolerance or sensitive to salinity stress. In the following plants, the increase in OP seems to be a manner of defense mechanism to survive. OP increased in shoots of maize, shoot and root of wheat and cotton plants was concomitant with shoot soluble sugar, root soluble protein and shoot and root amino acids of maize plants. However, in wheat the increase in OP was related with increase of root soluble sugar and protein of shoots and roots. In cotton plants, the elevation of OP was run parallel with increase soluble sugar of shoots and roots, shoot soluble protein and root amino acids. The increase in OP was related with a marked and significant reduction in the water content of these plants. However, the decrease in OP of shoot and root of broad bean was related with the reduction of shoots and roots soluble sugar, protein and root amino acids of broad bean. While the OP becomes more or less unchanged in shoots and tended to decrease in root of parsley plants, this concomitant with unchanged trend in the shoots amino acids and reduction in root soluble sugar and root amino acids. Run with previous trend values of OP and metabolites of parsley plants were related with stable values in shoot water content and reduction in root water content. With GA3 and kinetin treatments mostly increase the values OP which parallel with increase and soluble sugar, soluble protein and amino acids contents of shoots and roots of maize, wheat, cotton, broad bean and parsley plants with NaCl increasing. This related with increase water uptake by roots in these plants. The results indicated that kinetin had a more effective to shoot maize, both organs of wheat, broad bean and parsley plants in response to salinity stress while GA3 was more effective on cotton plants especially at higher levels of salinity. Thus plants strategy differed in their tolerance to salinity stress according to their species and differed also according to the different organs of the same plants and kinetin treatment induced highly positively affect than
The Biphasic Role of Cupper and Counteraction with Azospirillum brasilense Application on Growth, Metabolities, Osmotic Pressure and Mineral of Wheat Plant  [PDF]
Hamdia M. Abd El-Samad
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2017.85078
Abstract: The interactive effect of different Cu++ concentrations (5 mM, 10 mM, 20 mM and 25 mM) and treatments with biofertilizers Azospirillum brasilense on growth, metabolites, minerals and osmotic pressure of wheat plants was investigated. Shoots and roots of wheat plant were differentially response to Cu++ treatments, while shoot organ response positively to this treatment, root response negatively. The positive effect of Cu++ in shoot organ was concomitant with the increase in the production of fresh, dry matter, length and water content and this related with the accumulation of soluble sugar, soluble protein and mineral as a result of increasing osmotic pressure. On the other side, the negative effect of Cu++ on root organ was concomitant with the decrease in production of fresh, dry matter, length and water content that related with the reduction in the accumulation of soluble sugar and mineral with the insignificant change in osmotic pressure. Azospirillum brasilense inoculation increased the accumulation of soluble sugar and soluble protein which reflected an increase in the production of fresh, dry matter and water content with increasing values of osmotic pressure of the tested plants under Cu++ treatment. Finally, wheat plants response differentially to Cu++ treatment according to its organ and Azospirillum brasilense treatment improved wheat plant efficiency to tolerate the effect of Cu++ stress.
The Use of Verb Noun Collocations in Writing Stories among Iranian EFL Learners
Fatemeh Bazzaz,Arshad Samad
English Language Teaching , 2011, DOI: 10.5539/elt.v4n3p158
Abstract: An important aspect of native speakers’ communicative competence is collocational competence which involves knowing which words usually come together and which do not. This paper investigates the possible relationship between knowledge of collocations and the use of verb noun collocation in writing stories because collocational knowledge distinguishes native speakers and foreign language learners and is a significant factor in productive skills especially writing. This study examined the correlation between knowledge of verb noun collocations and their use in written essays. The participants in the study were 27 PhD Iranian students in a Malaysian university. A specially constructed C-test measured the subjects’ collocational knowledge and the use of collocations was measured by the number of collocations used in essays written by the subjects. For this purpose, participants wrote six different stories in six weeks based on a writing task designed to illicit verb noun collations. The statistical results demonstrate that there exists a strong positive relationship between knowledge of collocations and the use of verb noun collocation in the writing stories
Growth, Metabolites, Protein Profile and Esterase Enzyme of Wheat Grown under Osmotic Stress with Exogenous Application of Allium sativum  [PDF]
Hamdia M. Abd El-Samad, D. Mostafa
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2018.94069

The present work was conducted to lower and alleviate the saline injury by using natural products in garlic extract application on growth, metabolites, protein pattern and esterase enzyme of wheat plants. This study was conducted that wheat plant cv. Gimiza 11 response to osmotic stress effects and in general showed a variable response between different organs. The aerial parts of plants not only alleviated salinity injury but activated the fresh and dry matter productions. In root these parameters decreased as increasing salinity stress. Length of the shoots, roots and spikes run parallel with the previous results. Photosynthetic pigment enhanced markedly the increasing osmotic stress levels. The effect of garlic was reflected on the accumulation of soluble sugar and soluble protein in both roots and spikes, and a reduction of Na+ and an increase in K+ under garlic treatments were recorded. In the present study, staining intensity of protein bands of wheat plant was decreased as osmotic stress increased but the number of bands was increased up to -0.9 MPa, after that level a slight decrease was recorded (for control induction, 12 bands, -0.3 MPa, 16 bands, -0.6 MPa 14 bands, -0.9 14 bands, -1.2 MPa 11 bands and final 11 bands for -1.5 MPa). Induction protein bands for control plus garlic were 12 bands, for -0.3 MPa OSL plus garlic were 13 bands, for -0.6 MPa OSL plus garlic were 12 bands, for -0.9 MPa OSL plus garlic were 12 bands, for -1.2 MPa OSL were 8 bands and finally for -1.5 MPa OSL plus garlic were 9 bands. Electrophoresis studies of esterase showed wide variations in their intensities and densities among all treatments. There were 6 isozymes forms of esterase under OSL and with garlic but intensity was different. It seems that garlic

Acceptance and Readiness to Use M-Learning among Primary School Science Teachers  [PDF]
Mohd Razali Abd Samad, Zanaton Haji Iksan, Fariza Khalid
Creative Education (CE) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.1012224
Abstract: Consolidating and implementing educational strategies using 21st century methods in the country’s present education system have changed the landscape of education in Malaysia. The educator’s role becomes easier when the conventional style of teaching and learning shifts to learning and facilitating. The Ministry of Education, in the implementation of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025, has targeted for all children in Malaysia to be equipped with six main attributes to meet the skill requirements by 2025. These six main attributes are: 1) knowledge; 2) thinking skills; 3) leadership skills; 4) bi-linguistic proficiency; 5) ethics and spirituality; and 6) national identity. Among the skills needed in 21st century learning are creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and collaboration skills (Partnership for 21st century skills/P21). Among the initiatives taken is the application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education. This step is taken to pioneer the way towards achieving learning by using ICT innovation. The objective of this paper is to determine the level of acceptance and readiness of science teachers to use mobile learning (M-Learning) as well as the suitability of using M-Learning among primary school science teachers. A total of 125 primary school science teachers from the state of Johor were involved in this study. A questionnaire containing 10 items was used as an instrument, and the data obtained were analyzed using the SPPS version 22 software. The reliability value of the instrument according to Cronbach’s Alpha for all variables falls between 0.922 and 0.943. Hence, the findings show a high level of acceptance and readiness to use M-Learning among primary school science teachers.
The Combined Action Strategy of Two Stresses, Salinity and Cu++ on Growth, Metabolites and Protein Pattern of Wheat Plant  [PDF]
Hamdia M. Abd El-Samad, D. Mostafa, Kholoud N. Abd El-Hakeem
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2017.83043
Abstract: The response of wheat plants to different osmotic stress levels varied among the different organs root, shoot and spike and the situation of these organs with application of two Cu++ levels 5 mM and 25 mM as CuSO4. The sensitivity of root organ was related with reduction in fresh, dry matter and length. This resulted from reduction of soluble sugar reflected a reduction in water uptake and K+ content of the cell sap. In the moderate organ spike, the reduction in fresh, dry matter and length were concomitant with the accumulation of soluble sugar and a huge accumulation of soluble protein. In the higher organ shoot, this related with more water uptake which in turn induced an accumulation of soluble protein and cofactor K+ content. It can be recorded that shoot was higher Na+ accumulation than root and spike. Data also showed further stimulatory effect on growth parameters by Cu++ applications with either concentration (7.5 mM and 25 mM). Irrigating the soil with either 7.5 or 25 mM CuSO4 induced a huge accumulation in soluble sugar, soluble protein and nitrate reductase. Cupper treatment with either concentration 7.5 mM or 25 mM induced a marked decrease in Na+
The Potential Role of Cu2+ and Combined Action with IAA on Tolerance Strategy of Two Broad Bean Cultivars  [PDF]
Hamdia M. Abd El-Samad, Mohamed Abdo K. Shaddad, Kholoud N. Abd El-Hakeem
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2018.910153
Abstract: The present work was conducting to study the strategy response of two broad bean cultivars Assiut 84 and Assiut 125 to different Cu2+ concentrations 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm and 350 ppm in addition to control and interactions with IAA treatments. The dry matter exhibited the biphasic effect of Cu2+ on the growth criteria of the two broad bean cultivars. While the lower and moderate doses of Cu2+ (100 ppm and 200 ppm) stimulated the growth of the two cultivars, the higher doses revealed the opposite event where the growth dropped in both cultivars. This effect was more pronounced in cv. Assiut 84 than in cv. Assiut 125 and also at the higher Cu2+ concentration the growth dropped slightly in cv. Assiut 84 and highly significantly in cv. Assiut 125. The percent of increase in dry matter at 200 ppm in stem and leaf of cv. Assiut 84 was 120.45% and 155.31%, otherwise this percent of increase in these organs of cv. Assiut 125 was 114.29% and 131.41%. However the percent of reduction at 350 ppm Cu2+ in root and stem of cv. Assiut 84 was 74.13%, 79.23% and in root, stem and leaf of cv. Assiut 125 was 59.27%, 70.91%, 70.76% compared with control plants. Soluble carbohydrate in cv. Assiut 84 and cv. Assiut 125 was markedly increased while soluble protein was decreased in root, stem and in leaves at lower Cu2+ concentration.
Strategy Role of Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Osmotic Pressure, Chemical Constituents and Growth Yield of Maize Plant Gown under Drought Stress  [PDF]
Hamdia Mahmoud Abd El-Samad, Khloud Nagy Shaker Abd El-Hakeem
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2019.106080
Abstract: The present work was carried out to investigate the role of mycorrhiza inoculation at two harvesting stages (90-days and 30-days) of maize plants grown in pot experiment with different moisture content levels 100%, 70%, 50% and 20%. Drought stress tolerant in maize plant was varied in different organs of the same plants and also varied among different stage of plant development. The sensitivity of maize plants was related with reduction of root soluble sugar, shoot and root soluble protein at 30-days of plant harvesting, and soluble sugar and soluble protein in both organs of both harvesting stages. This related with reduction in OP and lowering of water uptake which induced a marked decrease in fresh and dry matter production in shoot and root of both harvesting stages. AM inoculation increase maize tolerant to drought stress presented in increasing growth parameters, chemical constituents and minerals contents compared with untreated plants. Proline content with AM inoculation was more or less unchanged in shoot of plant harvesting at 30-days and in root of plant harvesting at 90-days. However, a marked increase was induced in plant harvesting at 30-days and in shoot of plant harvesting at 90-days. Mycorrhiza inoculation induced a significant increase in OP value either compared with corresponding level or compared with control value 100% as in plant 30-days of harvesting or compared with control only as in plant harvesting after 90-days. AM infection with different moisture content levels measured by N-acetyl glucosamine content were not affected by drought stress. Results showed also that control roots contained N-acetyl glucosamine would be attributed to mycorrhiza and other fungi naturally present in soil.

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